Observations Against the Principal Popish Errors, by Charles Drelincourt

Observations Against the Principal Popish Errors, by Charles Drelincourt Part 1- Holy Scripture and Tradition (1) Observations Against the Principal Popish Errors, by Charles Drelincourt Part 1- Holy Scripture a..

Handbook of Dutch Church History & Acta of the Synod of Dordt (2 Vols)

Handbook of Dutch Church HistoryEdited by Herman J. Selderhuis (Ed.) Acta et Documenta Synodi Nationalis Dordrechtanae (1618–1619) (2 Vols) Acta of the Synod of Dordt (Vol. I)Edited byDonald Sinnema, Christian Moser, Herman J. Selderhuis (Hg.) Early..

The Christian's Reasonable Service 4 Vols, by Wilhelmus à Brakel (pdf, Online)

À BRAKEL'S MAGNUM OPUS The Christian's Reasonable Service, 4 Vols. 基督徒理所当然的侍奉(THE CHRISTIAN’S REASONABLE SERVICE)

再思救赎奇恩(Redemption Accomplished and Applied) - 约翰·慕理(John Murray)

再思救赎奇恩 (Redemption Accomplished and Applied) 约翰·慕理(John Murray) 第一章 代赎的必须性 第二章 代赎的特性 上 第二章 代赎的特性 下 第三章 代赎的完全性 第四章 代赎的范围 上 第四章 代赎的范围 下 第五章 结论 第六章 实施的次序 第七章 有效的呼召 第八章 重生 第九章 信心与悔改 第..

论圣灵的洗(The Baptism Of The Holy Spirit) - 钟马田(Martin Lloyd Jones)

《论圣灵的洗》 (The Baptism Of The Holy Spirit) ㅡ说不出来的大喜乐ㅡ 原著:钟马田(Martin Lloyd Jones) 改编:王志勇 编者注:本期简讯介绍圣灵的洗与相关的教义。现代教会中有两大运动,一是属..

Geerhardus Vos: Changes at Princeton, the Reconstruction Movement, Departed Friends, and Family Life

Geerhardus Vos: Changes at Princeton, the Reconstruction Movement, Departed Friends, and Family Life Danny E. Olinger During his first twenty years teaching at Princeton Seminary, Geerhardus Vos supported the leadership in place. William Green, the senior faculty member who had recruited Vos to Princeton, ran the faculty meetings until his death in 1900. Two years later in 1902..


奥古斯丁传 - 瑞秋·菲利普斯(Rachael M .Phillips) 忏悔录 - 奥古斯丁(Augustine of Hippo) 论自由意志 - 奥古斯丁(Augustine of Hippo) 论三位一体 - 奥古斯丁(Augustine of Hippo) 论说谎 - 奥古斯丁(Augustine of Hippo)..

아타나시우스 신조(Athanasian Creed, AD 420-450) - 이제롬(Jerome Lee) 목사 번역

아타나시우스 신조(Athanasian Creed, AD 420-450) 한글 새번역 이제롬(Jerome Lee) 목사 번역 [본 신조는 역자이신 이재롬(Jerome Lee) 목사의 허락하에 게재하는 것임을 밝힙니다.] The post-Nicene or Augustinian doctrine of the Trinity reached its classic statement in the third and last of the ecumenical confessions, called the Symbolum Athanasianum, or, as it is also named from its initial words, the Symbolum Quicumque; beyond which the orthodox develo..