Reformation Theology 21

基督教要义(Institutes of the Christian Religion) - 约翰·加尔文(John Calvin, 1509-1564) (朗读版) (PDF)

基督教要义(Institutes of the Christian Religion)约翰·加尔文(John Calvin, 1509-1564) (朗读版)导言关于本书 约翰·加尔文(John Calvin;1509-1564年)是法国著名的神学家、牧师和律师,宗教改革时期最重要的改教家之一,在瑞士日内瓦实践改革。他27岁就一鸣惊人,但却一生敬虔、谦卑。神使用加尔文建立了完整、清晰的信仰体系,在关键时刻挽救了改教运动,引导教会回归真理。加尔文的思想,成为长老会(Presbyterian Church)、公理会(Congregational Church)、改革宗(Reformed Church)、结盟宗(Huguenots)和清教徒(Puritan)的神学基础,今天大多数福音派教会的信仰和神学都源出于此。 《基督教要义》凝聚了加尔文思想的精华,倾注了他一生的心血,23年增订了五次,1..

Calvin's Calvinism by John Calvin, Translated by Henry Cole (Free eBook)

Calvin's Calvinism (eBook)BY JOHN CALVINTRANSLATED BY HENRY COLEIN EPUB , MOBI & .PDF FORMATS "CALVIN'S CALVINISM." This definitive title is prefixed to the present publications advisedly and purposely, as embodying in its expression the nature of the original works of the Genevese Reformer, and also the object of the present translation. The originals are Calvin's testimony an..

The Parable of the Unforgiving Servant, by Martin Luther

The Parable of the Unforgiving Servant by Martin Luther Twenty-Second Sunday after Trinity, Matt 18:21-35 THE PARABLE OF THE UNFORGIVING SERVANT. A Sermon by Martin Luther; taken from his Church Postil. [The following sermon is taken from volume V:279-292 of The Sermons of Martin Luther, published by Baker Book House (Grand Rapids, MI, 1983). It was originally published in 1905 in English by Lut..

Institutes of the Christian Religion by John Calvin (Read online)

Institutes of the Christian Religion by John Calvin (Read online) The Institutes of the Christian Religion in Latin, French, English, Dutch, German, Afrikaans, in parallel columns. Translation by Henry Beveridge (Full Text) ht..

버림을 받은 사람들에게도 "믿음"이 있는가 - 존 칼빈(John Calvin)

버림을 받은 사람들에게도 "믿음"이 있는가 존 칼빈(John Calvin) 바울은 믿음을 [하나님의] 선택의 결과라고 했는데(살전 1: 4-5) 버림받은 사람들에게도 믿음이 있다고 하는 것은 믿기 어려운 것을 나도 안다. 그러나 이 어려움은 쉽게 해결될 수 있다. 구원 받기로 예정된 사람들만이 참으로 ..

The Arguments Usually Alleged in Support of Free Will Refuted, by John Calvin

The Arguments Usually Alleged in Support of Free Will Refuted by John Calvin Objections reduced to three principal heads: I. Four absurdities advanced by the opponents of the orthodox doctrine concerning the slavery of the will, stated and refuted, sec. 1-5. II. The passages of Scripture which they pervert in favour of their error, reduced to five heads, and explained, sec. 6-1..