Reformation Theology/ㅡInstitutes 8

Institutes of the Christian Religion by John Calvin (Read online)

Institutes of the Christian Religion by John Calvin (Read online) The Institutes of the Christian Religion in Latin, French, English, Dutch, German, Afrikaans, in parallel columns. Translation by Henry Beveridge (Full Text) ht..

버림을 받은 사람들에게도 "믿음"이 있는가 - 존 칼빈(John Calvin)

버림을 받은 사람들에게도 "믿음"이 있는가 존 칼빈(John Calvin) 바울은 믿음을 [하나님의] 선택의 결과라고 했는데(살전 1: 4-5) 버림받은 사람들에게도 믿음이 있다고 하는 것은 믿기 어려운 것을 나도 안다. 그러나 이 어려움은 쉽게 해결될 수 있다. 구원 받기로 예정된 사람들만이 참으로 ..

The Arguments Usually Alleged in Support of Free Will Refuted, by John Calvin

The Arguments Usually Alleged in Support of Free Will Refuted by John Calvin Objections reduced to three principal heads: I. Four absurdities advanced by the opponents of the orthodox doctrine concerning the slavery of the will, stated and refuted, sec. 1-5. II. The passages of Scripture which they pervert in favour of their error, reduced to five heads, and explained, sec. 6-1..