Modern Reformation/A.Kuyper,1837 4

Saved by Grace Alone: The Work of the Holy Spirit in Calling and Regeneration, by Abraham Kuyper (Free eBook)

Saved by Grace Alone: The Work of the Holy Spirit in Calling and Regeneration by Abraham Kuyper IN EPUB,.MOBI & .PDF FORMATSGod did not begin by leading the sinner to repentance, for repentance must be preceded by conviction of sin; nor by bringing him under the hearing of the word, for this requires an opened ear. Hence the first conscious and comparatively cooperative act of..

加尔文主义系列讲座(Lectures on Calvinism) - 亚伯拉罕·凯帕尔(Abraham Kuyper)

加尔文主义系列讲座 (Lectures on Calvinism) 亚伯拉罕·凯帕尔(Abraham Kuyper,1898) 王兆丰 译 简 介 亚伯拉罕.卡艾帕博士是著名的荷兰加尔文主义神学家,哲学家,政治家。他于1901-1905当选为荷兰首相,任荷兰议会议员三十多年。卡艾帕博士才华横溢,精力充沛。他以加尔文主义为基础,对他的..