The Development of the Doctrine of Predestination among the Reformed, by Herman Bavinck

The Development of the Doctrine of Predestination among the Reformed by Herman Bavinck (1) This controversy is rooted in the struggle between Augustine and Pelagius. According to Pelagianism both original and actual sin (unbelief) logically precede election and reprobation; according to Augustine ONLY original sin precedes predestination. According to supra, predestination logi..

The Synod of Dort: Keeping Venom from the Lips, by R. Scott Clark

The Synod of Dort: Keeping Venom from the Lips by R. Scott Clark Introduction Few of our Reformed confessional documents are as valuable and yet as neglected as the Canons of Dort. Today most who know about them think of them as the so-called and quite misleading “Five Points of Calvinism” or TULIP. Indeed, it is anachronistic and reductionist to call them the “Five Points of Calvinism” because ..

Machen’s Warrior Children, Ed Stetzer, and Beth Moore by R. Scott Clark

Machen’s Warrior Children, Ed Stetzer, and Beth Moore by R. Scott Clark John Frame first published his essay “Machen’s Warrior Children” in 2003, in a Festscrhfit (a volume of congratulatory essays usually in honor of a 65th birthday or a retirement) for Alister McGrath. The essay was ostensibly a historical analysis of what happened to the movement Machen started. It was, in fact, what journali..

改革宗神学资料 (PDF)

三位一体 - 伯特纳.pdf 九十五条论纲 - 马丁·路德.pdf 信仰问题解答(一)- 远志明 等.pdf 信仰问题解答(二)- 冯秉诚 等.pdf 加尔文主义五要点 - 斯蒂尔.pdf 四重状态下的人性 - 托马斯·波士顿.pdf 圣灵的工作 卷三 - 亚伯拉罕.凯波尔.pdf 圣经难题解答 - 吕鸿基等.pdf 基要神学(一)- 吕沛渊.pdf 基要神学(三)- 吕沛渊.pdf 基要神学(二)- 吕沛渊.pdf 格兰-奥斯邦著、刘良淑译:基督教释经学手册.zip 论自由意志 - 奥古斯丁.pdf 九十五条论纲 - 马丁·路德.pdf 加尔文主义五要点 - 斯蒂尔.pdf 0.91MB 信仰问题解答(一)- 远志明 等.pdf 0.6MB 信仰问题解答(二)- 冯秉诚 等.pdf 0.59MB 基要神学(一)- 吕沛渊.pdf 0.61MB 论自由意志 - 奥古斯丁.pdf 0.5..

对傅瑞慕“艾斯康迪多神学”的回应 - 麦可 霍顿(Michael Horton)

对傅瑞慕“艾斯康迪多神学”的回应麦可.霍顿唐兴 摘译 A Response to John Frame's The Escondido Theology Michael Horton 转载自: 对傅瑞慕“艾斯康迪多神学”的回应 麦可 霍顿 唐兴 摘要 A Response to John Frame's The Escondido Theology Michael Horton A Response to John Frame’s The Escondido Theology Feb.10, 2012 by Michael Horton i..

You Need to Know Geerhardus Vos, by Rev. Danny E. Olinger

You Need to Know Geerhardus Vos (Interview with Danny Olinger) Rev. Danny E. Olinger Who is Geerhardus Vos and what drew you to him? Geerhardus Vos (1862-1949) is rightly considered the “Father of Reformed Biblical Theology.” Princeton Theological Seminary established a chair in biblical theology in 1893 and sought Vos to fill it. He accepted the invitation and would serve for thirty-nine years ..

The Importance of Christian Scholarship in The Defense of The Faith, J. Gresham Machen

The Importance of Christian Scholarship in The Defense of The Faith J. Gresham Machen This Address was originally delivered in London on June 17, 1932. There are, indeed, those who tell us that no defense of the faith is necessary. "The Bible needs no defense," they say; "let us not be forever defending Christianity, but instead let us go forth joyously to propagate Christianit..

Recent Criticisms of the Covenant of Works in the Westminster Confession of Faith by Dr. Cornelis P. Venema

Recent Criticisms of the Covenant of Works in the Westminster Confession of Faith by Dr. Cornelis P. Venema [Vol. 9/3, Fall 1993, pp. 165-198, Mid-America Journal of Theology] "I. The distance between God and the creature is so great, that although reasonable creatures do owe obedience unto him as their Creator, yet they could never have any fruition of him as their blessedness and reward, but b..

Biblical Theology 2019.10.08

正直生活要道: 圣经伦理面面观(Principles of Conduct: Aspects of Biblical Ethics) - 约翰·慕理(John Murray) (pdf)

正直生活要道: 圣经伦理面面观 (Principles of Conduct: Aspects of Biblical Ethics) 约翰.慕理(John Murray)/著 乔兰山以妲/译 约翰.慕理(1898-1975)曾是美国费城威斯敏斯德神学院系统神学教授本书原作于1957年1月第一次出版 目录 序/巴刻 前言 第一章.问题导入 第二章.创造的条例 第三章.婚姻条例..

梅钦的征战后裔(Machen’s Warrior Children)- 约翰·傅瑞姆(John M. Frame)

前排:斯通豪斯29岁,阿利斯51岁,梅钦51岁,伍利29岁,范泰尔36岁;后排:慕理32岁,麦克雷29岁。威斯敏斯特最早一批教员,缺威尔逊和祁伯尔,摄于1931年。 本文为Sung Wook Chung主编《麦格拉斯与福音派神学》(Alister E. McGrath and Evangelical Theology, Grand Rapids: Baker, 2003)一书第五章,作者..