Modern Reformation 135

加尔文主义系列讲座(Lectures on Calvinism) - 亚伯拉罕·凯帕尔(Abraham Kuyper)

加尔文主义系列讲座 (Lectures on Calvinism) 亚伯拉罕·凯帕尔(Abraham Kuyper,1898) 王兆丰 译 简 介 亚伯拉罕.卡艾帕博士是著名的荷兰加尔文主义神学家,哲学家,政治家。他于1901-1905当选为荷兰首相,任荷兰议会议员三十多年。卡艾帕博士才华横溢,精力充沛。他以加尔文主义为基础,对他的..

‘본질’과 ‘위격’, 그리고 위격들 사이의 상호 관계 - 헤르만 바빙크(Herman Bavinck)

[373p] 삼위일체론을 잘 이해하기 위해, 다음 세 가지 질문이 반드시 대답되어야 한다. '본질'이라는 단어는 무엇을 의미하는가? '위격'이라는 단어는 무엇을 지칭하는가? 그리고 '본질'과 '위격' 그리고 위격들 사이의 상호 관계는 무엇인가? '본질'이라는 개념에 관하여 아리스토텔레스는 '..

A Brief and Untechnical Statement of the Reformed Faith, by Benjamin B. Warfield

A Brief and Untechnical Statement of the Reformed Faith by Benjamin B. Warfield 1. I believe that God, since the creation of His world, has plainly revealed through the things He has made His eternal power and divine nature, and the requirements of His law, so that there is no excuse for unbelief or disobedience on the part of any man; yet however glorious this revelation, it i..

동서방교회에서 사용했던 삼위일체 교리에 대한 용어들 - 헤르만 바빙크(Herman Bavinck)

삼위일체론은 교회의 교리였으며, 따라서 아주 탁월한 신비였다. 기독교의 본질, 즉 그리스도 안에서의 하나님의 절대적 자기 계시와 성령 안에서의 하나님의 절대적 자기 전달은, 오로지 그 토대와 원리가 존재론적 삼위일체론에 근거할 때만 주장될 수 있었다. 이를 위해 제공된 성경..

The Resurrection of Christ: A Historical Fact, by Benjamin B. Warfield

The Resurrection of Christ: A Historical Fact by Benjamin B. Warfield The following essay was originally published in The Journal of Christian Philosophy, vol. III., 1884, pp. 305-318. It is a somewhat difficult matter to distinguish between Christian doctrines and facts. The doctrines of Christianity are doctrines only because they are facts; and the facts of Christianity beco..

Jonathan Edwards and the New England Theology, by Benjamin B. Warfield

Jonathan Edwards and the New England Theology by Benjamin B. Warfield Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics, 1912 JONATHAN EDWARDS, saint and metaphysician, revivalist and theologian, stands out as the one figure of real greatness in the intellectual life of colonial America. Born, bred, passing his whole life on the verge of civilization, he has made his voice heard wherever men..

Christian Scholarship and the Defense of the Faith, by J. Gresham Machen

Christian Scholarship and the Defense of the Faith The Importance of Christian Scholarship in The Defense of The Faith by J. Gresham Machen This Address was originally delivered in London on June 17, 1932. There are, indeed, those who tell us that no defense of the faith is necessary. "The Bible needs no defense," they say; "let us not be forever defending Christianity, but ins..