Modern Reformation 135

The Religious Life of Theological Students by B. B. Warfield (Free Audiobook)

B. B. Warfield – Kirk E. Miller ( B.B. Warfield – Kirk E. Miller In this short book, originally delivered as an oral address in 1911, Princeton theologian and professor Benjamin B. Warfield addresses his seminarians in anticipation of their upcoming theological studies He stresses to them the importance of not divorcing The Religious Life of Theological Stud..

The Emotional Life of our Lord by B.B. Warfield (EPUB, MOBI)

The Emotional Life of our Lord by B.B. Warfield It belongs to the truth of our Lord’s humanity, that he was subject to all sinless human emotions.l In the accounts which the Evangelists give us of the crowded activities which filled the few years of his ministry, the play of a great variety of emotions is depicted. It has nevertheless not proved easy to form a universally acceptable conception o..

The Development of the Doctrine of Predestination among the Reformed, by Herman Bavinck

The Development of the Doctrine of Predestination among the Reformed by Herman Bavinck (1) This controversy is rooted in the struggle between Augustine and Pelagius. According to Pelagianism both original and actual sin (unbelief) logically precede election and reprobation; according to Augustine ONLY original sin precedes predestination. According to supra, predestination logi..

Machen’s Warrior Children, Ed Stetzer, and Beth Moore by R. Scott Clark

Machen’s Warrior Children, Ed Stetzer, and Beth Moore by R. Scott Clark John Frame first published his essay “Machen’s Warrior Children” in 2003, in a Festscrhfit (a volume of congratulatory essays usually in honor of a 65th birthday or a retirement) for Alister McGrath. The essay was ostensibly a historical analysis of what happened to the movement Machen started. It was, in fact, what journali..

You Need to Know Geerhardus Vos, by Rev. Danny E. Olinger

You Need to Know Geerhardus Vos (Interview with Danny Olinger) Rev. Danny E. Olinger Who is Geerhardus Vos and what drew you to him? Geerhardus Vos (1862-1949) is rightly considered the “Father of Reformed Biblical Theology.” Princeton Theological Seminary established a chair in biblical theology in 1893 and sought Vos to fill it. He accepted the invitation and would serve for thirty-nine years ..

The Importance of Christian Scholarship in The Defense of The Faith, J. Gresham Machen

The Importance of Christian Scholarship in The Defense of The Faith J. Gresham Machen This Address was originally delivered in London on June 17, 1932. There are, indeed, those who tell us that no defense of the faith is necessary. "The Bible needs no defense," they say; "let us not be forever defending Christianity, but instead let us go forth joyously to propagate Christianit..

Saved by Grace Alone: The Work of the Holy Spirit in Calling and Regeneration, by Abraham Kuyper (Free eBook)

Saved by Grace Alone: The Work of the Holy Spirit in Calling and Regeneration by Abraham Kuyper IN EPUB,.MOBI & .PDF FORMATSGod did not begin by leading the sinner to repentance, for repentance must be preceded by conviction of sin; nor by bringing him under the hearing of the word, for this requires an opened ear. Hence the first conscious and comparatively cooperative act of..