Modern Reformation

Jesus' Active and Passive Obedience - WCF 8.5

Bavinck Byeon 2019. 7. 20. 23:04

Jesus' Active and Passive Obedience - WCF 8.5

The Lord Jesus, by His perfect obedience, and sacrifice of Himself, which He through the eternal Spirit, once offered up unto God, has fully satisfied the justice of His Father; and purchased, not only reconciliation, but an everlasting inheritance in the kingdom of heaven, for those whom the Father has given unto Him. - WCF 8.5


Dr. Robert L. Reymond defines the active obedience of Christ as:
“Christ’s full obedience to all the prescriptions of the divine law…[making] available a perfect righteousness before the law that is imputed or reckoned to those who put their trust in him.

Dr. Robert L. Reymond defines the passive obedience of Christ as:
“[Christ's] willing obedience in bearing all the sanctions imposed by that law against his people because of their transgression…[being] the ground of God’s justification of sinners (Rom. 5:9), by which divine act they are pardoned…”


The Active Obedience of Christ by J. Gresham Machen
Jesus and His Active Obedience  by R. C. Sproul
The Active and Passive Obedience of Christ by Loraine Boettner
Christ’s Active and Passive Obedience by Louis Berkhof
The Active & Passive Obedience of Christ by Michael Horton
The Westminster Confession's treatment of Active Obedience by Richard Phillips
The Imputation of the Active Obedience of Jesus Christ by John Owen
Obedient unto Death by Nick Batzig
A Law-Keeping Redeemer is Born by Nick Batzig
The Twofold Obedience of Christ by G. K. Beale
The Active Obedience of Christ – No Hope Without It!  by John Samson
Christ’s active obedience was entirely for us by John Brown of Wamphray
Christ’s Active Obedience (his sonship) by Douglas Kelly
Difference between the "Active" and the "Passive" Obedience of Christ? by Justin Taylor
"Active Obedience" of Jesus Christ in the Justification of Sinners (.pdf) by Brian Schwertley
The Satisfaction Rendered by Christ Proved to Embrace His Active & Passive Obedience  by A. A. Hodge
Justice Satisfied by C. H. Spurgeon
Why Must God’s Justice Be Satisfied? by Daniel Hyde
The Gospel Satisfies God’s Demands by John MacArthur
God Is Satisfied by R. C. Sproul
Hallelujah! Jesus Fulfilled the Law for Us by Scotty Smith
The Satisfaction of Christ by A. A. Hodge
The Person & Satisfaction of Christ by John Owen
The Importance of the Satisfaction View of the Atonement by R. C. Sproul
More on the Active and Passive Obedience from Monergism


The Satisfaction of Christ (eBook) by A. W. Pink
Christ Alone Exalted, (eBook) by Tobias Crisp
The Fountain of Lifea display of Christ in his glory (eBook) by John Flavel
Christ Set Forth (eBook) by Thomas Goodwin
The Heart of Christ in Heaven (eBook) by Thomas Goodwin
The Glory of Christ (eBook) by John Owen
The Lord of Glory (eBook) by B. B. Warfield
Spiritual Union & Communion (eBook) by A. W. Pink
The Virgin Birth by J Gresham Machen
On the Incarnation by St. Athanasius
Cur Deus Homo (Why God Became a Man) by St. Anselm
Christ: A Complete Saviour or the Intercession of Christ and Those Who Are Privileged in It (eBook) by John Bunyan


The Active Obedience of Christ by R. C. Sproul
Episode 8.5: Obedience and Suffering (MP3) by Jerusalem Chamber
The Obedience of Christ (MP3) by Derek Thomas 
The Obedience of Christ (MP3) by Walter Chantry
Obedience and Suffering For The Name (MP3) by Brian Borgman
Christology: The Active and Passive Obedience of Christ, Pt 1 (MP3) by Brian Borgman
Christology: The Active and Passive Obedience of Christ, Pt 2 (MP3) by Brian Borgman
Christology: The Active and Passive Obedience of Christ, Pt 3 (MP3) by Brian Borgman


Johannes Piscator and Debates over Christ’s Active Obedience by Herber Carlos de Campos Jr. 
Dialogue on the Two Natures in Christ by Peter Vermigli
The Word Enfleshed by Oliver Crisp
What is the Incarnation by William Evans
The Son of God and New Creation by Graeme Goldsworthy
The God Who Became Human by Cole Graham
The Person of Jesus by J. Gresham Machen
The Christian’s Pocket Guide to Jesus Christ by Mark Jones
The Person of Christ by Donald MacLeod