Confessions and Catechisms (OPC)
Confession and Catechisms: The Orthodox Presbyterian Church
We're the Orthodox Presbyterian Church. Our purpose is simple: to bring glory to God through our churches and individual lives to make known to the world the good news of salvation through Jesus Christ
Westminster Standards (PCA)
Westminster Confession - PCA Administrative Committee
Read the Westminster Confession of Faith and the Larger and Shorter Catechisms, as adopted by the PCA.
Ecumenical Creeds and Reformed Standards (URCNA)
What We Believe
What we believe ... The United Reformed Churches in North America confess Jesus Christ as the only Savior and the Sovereign Lord over all of life, and are fully committed to the Bible in its entirety as the Word of God written, without error in all its
The Creeds and Confessions (CanRC)
Beliefs - Canadian Reformed Churches
The Holy Scriptures Our churches believe that the Holy Scripture or the Holy Bible is the Word of God. This Word has no equal because it is: inspired by God the Holy Spirit who caused many different men to write it over a considerable period of time. infal
Ecumenical Creeds and Three Forms (FRCNA)
Our Beliefs
1. The Church as a Community The Bible doesn't picture the church as a church building that is put up somewhere. Rather, the church is portrayed as a community of people who assemble to worship God in holy love and godly fear, with singing, calling upon an
Creeds and Confessions (RCUS)
The Reformed Church in the United States We are a body of confessional churches committed to the Gospel of Jesus Christ, with a passion for church planting, mis
Heidelberg Catechism (CRTS)
'Creeds & Confessions' 카테고리의 다른 글
The Canons of Dort Series by Dr. R. Scott Clark (0) | 2019.05.15 |
The Canons Of Dort (1619), by Dr. R. Scott Clark (0) | 2018.10.13 |
The Heidelberg Catechism Origin and History by Fred H. Klooster (1922-2003) (0) | 2018.07.15 |
The Belgic Confession, by Dr. Cornelis P. Venema (0) | 2018.06.12 |
아타나시우스 신조(Athanasian Creed, AD 420-450) - 이제롬(Jerome Lee) 목사 번역 (0) | 2017.08.02 |
신조학 2 - 필립 샤프(Philip Schaff) (0) | 2015.04.18 |
신조학 1 - 필립 샤프(Philip Schaff) (0) | 2015.01.18 |
개혁주의 신앙고백서 모음 [한,영,중] (pdf) (0) | 2014.11.03 |