Post Reformation 35

The Systematic Theology of John Brown of Haddington, by John Brown of Haddington (Free eBook)

The Systematic Theology of John Brown of Haddington (eBook) by John Brown of Haddington A compendious view of natural and revealed religion. In seven books IN EPUB,.MOBI & .PDF Meet John Brown of Haddington (1722-1787). Brown was a man sovereignly fitted with incredible gifts, who rose from the shadows of poverty and ignorance into the public spotlight as a herald of God's Word..

理所当然的侍奉(The Christian's Reasonable Service), Appendix 2 - 威廉默斯·阿·布雷克(Wilhemlmus à Brakel)

理所当然的侍奉 (The Christian's Reasonable Service) (荷)威廉默斯·阿·布雷克(Wilhemlmus à Brakel) 附录二(Appendix 2) 改革宗传统中的经院主义与正统神学 原著:瑞慕勒 翻译:王志勇 一.经院主义与正统神学的问题 对于一些人而言,“试论改革宗传统中的经院主义和正统神学”这个题目可能似乎..

理所当然的侍奉(The Christian's Reasonable Service), Appendix 1, 5~6 - 威廉默斯·阿·布雷克(Wilhemlmus à Brakel)

理所当然的侍奉 (The Christian's Reasonable Service) 附录一 恩约论(Appendix 1) The Administration of the Covenant of Grace in the Old and New Testaments 5~6 (荷)威廉默斯·阿·布雷克(Wilhemlmus à Brakel) 第五章 旧约时代众信徒所处的状态(The State of Believers in the Old Testament) 在旧约众信徒和新约众信徒之间,就信徒所蒙..

理所当然的侍奉(The Christian's Reasonable Service), Appendix 1, 3~4 - 威廉默斯·阿·布雷克(Wilhemlmus à Brakel)

理所当然的侍奉 (The Christian's Reasonable Service) 附录一 恩约论(Appendix 1) The Administration of the Covenant of Grace in the Old and New Testaments 3~4 (荷)威廉默斯·阿·布雷克(Wilhemlmus à Brakel) 第三章 西乃山赐礼仪律及西乃山至基督降世时教会的状况(The Ceremonial Laws Given at Sinai and the Condition of the Church from Sin..

理所当然的侍奉(The Christian's Reasonable Service), Appendix 1, 1~2 - 威廉默斯·阿·布雷克(Wilhemlmus à Brakel)

理所当然的侍奉 (The Christian's Reasonable Service) 附录一 恩约论(Appendix 1) The Administration of the Covenant of Grace in the Old and New Testaments 1~2 (荷)威廉默斯·阿·布雷克(Wilhemlmus à Brakel) 第一章 旧约中自亚当至亚伯拉罕时代的教会(The Church of the Old Testament from Adam to Abraham) 迄今为止,我们已经全面地论..

理所当然的侍奉(The Christian's Reasonable Service), Vol.4, 103~104 - 威廉默斯·阿·布雷克(Wilhemlmus à Brakel)

理所当然的侍奉 (The Christian's Reasonable Service) Vol.4 末世论: 末后事的教义 (Eschatology: The Doctrine of the Last Things) 103~104 (荷)威廉默斯·阿·布雷克(Wilhemlmus à Brakel) 第一百零二章 关于末后的审判和世界的结局(The Last Judgment and the End of the World) 当所有按照上帝的预旨将要出生的人都已经存在并..

理所当然的侍奉(The Christian's Reasonable Service), Vol.4, 100~101 - 威廉默斯·阿·布雷克(Wilhemlmus à Brakel)

理所当然的侍奉 (The Christian's Reasonable Service) Vol.4 末世论: 末后事的教义 (Eschatology: The Doctrine of the Last Things) 100~101 (荷)威廉默斯·阿·布雷克(Wilhemlmus à Brakel) 第一百章 关于死亡以及死后灵魂的状况(Death and the Ensuing State of the Soul) 上帝以前面所列举的各种方式带领祂的选民,当他们已经..

Observations Against the Principal Popish Errors, by Charles Drelincourt

Observations Against the Principal Popish Errors, by Charles Drelincourt Part 1- Holy Scripture and Tradition (1) Observations Against the Principal Popish Errors, by Charles Drelincourt Part 1- Holy Scripture a..

The Christian's Reasonable Service 4 Vols, by Wilhelmus à Brakel (pdf, Online)

À BRAKEL'S MAGNUM OPUS The Christian's Reasonable Service, 4 Vols. 基督徒理所当然的侍奉(THE CHRISTIAN’S REASONABLE SERVICE)

论自由意志(Freedom of the will) - 乔纳森·爱德华兹(Jonathan Edwards)

论自由意志 (Freedom of the will) 乔纳森·爱德华兹(Jonathan Edwards) 第一部 论本文中所采用名辞的含义   第一节 论意志的性质   人们总以为无需给“意志”一辞下定义或说明,因这一辞是与我们所..

如何知道你是一个真正的基督徒 - 乔纳森·爱德华兹(Jonathan Edwards)

如何知道你是一个真正的基督徒 乔纳森·爱德华兹(Jonathan Edwards)/著 南乡哥/译 “你信神只有一位,你信的不错;鬼魔也信,却是战惊。” — 雅各书 二 19 你凭什么知道你是属于神的?我们从上面&#3..

하나님의 열심을 품은 간절목회 - 존 에인절 제임스(John Angell James)

하나님의 열심을 품은 간절목회 존 에인절 제임스(John Angell James, 1785-1859) - ‘목회학’의 3대 고전(리처드 백스터의 「참 목자상」/찰스 브릿지스의 「참된 목회」)으로 목회자들이 반드시 읽어야 할 책 - 6개월만에 3쇄, 12개월 만에 4쇄 - 고후11:2의 말씀을 기초 본문으로 목회 사역의 본질..

본질, 위격, 그리고 삼위일체 등의 용어의 의미와 다른점 - 우르시누스(Z. Ursinus)

본질, 위격, 그리고 삼위일체 등의 용어의 의미와 다른점 자카리우스 우르시누스(Z. Ursinus) 본질은(essence)은 헬라어로는 우시아인데, 이는 그 자체로서 존재하는 ㅡ 다른 어떤 것의 도움으로 지탱되는 것이 아닌, 그러나 다른 것들이 공유(共有)할 수 있는 ㅡ 하나의 사물을 의미한다. 여럿..

宗教感情如何被错误地评价 - 乔纳森·爱德华兹(Jonathan Edwards)

宗教感情如何被错误地评价 乔纳森·爱德华兹(Jonathan Edwards) 真正的宗教感情的错误标记: 1、宗教感情的强度根本无法证明 一些人准备谴责一切强烈的感情。当他们看到,人们把自己的宗教感情提..