Sermons & Lectures/Reformed Lectures

2023 Center for Missions and Evangelism Conference

Bavinck Byeon 2023. 10. 28. 21:30


Throughout the ages, the church has experienced adversity in various forms. Opposition to the gospel is nothing new. But the grace of God never buckles under pressure and because of God's grace, the church can be faithful to its mission - the Great Commission.


1. Chad Vegas | Discipleship From Within: Raising Up the Next Generation of Missionaries
2. Marcus Mininger | Careful, Deep Theology Tethered to Missions: Rethinking Romans
3. Tom Hawkes | Reformed Distinctives Vital to Church Planting in an Age of Adversity
4. Richard Bout | Learning to Disciple the Nations - Nuts & Bolts of Discipleship In a Modern Age
5. Q&A Panel 1

6. Burk Parsons | The Missio Dei: Fulfilling the Great Commission Through Ordinary Means of Grace
7. Cornelis Venema | To the Ends of the Earth: Calvin's Geneva and the Impulse of Reformed Missions
8. Eric Watkins | Missing the Mission: What is the Mission of the Church?
9. Q&A Panel 2


2023 Center for Missions and Evangelism Conference

Throughout the ages, the church has experienced adversity in various forms. Opposition to the gospel is nothing new. But the grace of God never buckles under...


The Center for Missions and Evangelism

Our purpose is to prepare our students and equip pastors to plant and perpetuate Reformed, ordinary, means of grace-centered churches to carry out the Great Commission Christ has given to the church.