전체 글 610

Church Government Briefly Considered by Dr. Greg L. Bahnsen

Church Government Briefly ConsideredGreg L. Bahnsen Extracted from Ordained Servant vol. 4, no. 1 (January 1995) An Inescapable Issue Questions about how the church ought to be governed are not hot topics of conversation in American Christianity. You don’t hear much about the subject or read of it in the latest religious magazines. Positions which people take on the issues which are in vogue, ho..

웨스트민스터 신앙고백서(The Westminster Confession of Faith, 1788)

웨스트민스터 신앙고백서(The Westminster Confession of Faith, 1788)발행사하나님의 은혜와 평강이 여러분에게 항상 함께 하시기를 기원합니다. 이번에 미주한인예수교장로회(KAPC) 총회가 발간하는 웨스트민스터 신앙고백서(The Westminster Confession of Faith)와 대, 소요리문답(Larger and Shorter Catechism) 은 미국에서 가장 권위있게 웨스트민스터 표준문서들의 수정작업을 해온 정통장로교 (Orthodox Presbyterian Church)에서 사용하는 영문판을 우리 총회가 번역하도록 허락을 받은 후에, 5년에 걸쳐서 번역작업을 하여 영문판과 한글판을 같이 한 권으로 출판하게 된 것입니다. 그동안 각고의 노력으로 수고하신 총회 상임..

基督教要义(Institutes of the Christian Religion) - 约翰·加尔文(John Calvin, 1509-1564) (朗读版) (PDF)

基督教要义(Institutes of the Christian Religion)约翰·加尔文(John Calvin, 1509-1564) (朗读版)导言关于本书 约翰·加尔文(John Calvin;1509-1564年)是法国著名的神学家、牧师和律师,宗教改革时期最重要的改教家之一,在瑞士日内瓦实践改革。他27岁就一鸣惊人,但却一生敬虔、谦卑。神使用加尔文建立了完整、清晰的信仰体系,在关键时刻挽救了改教运动,引导教会回归真理。加尔文的思想,成为长老会(Presbyterian Church)、公理会(Congregational Church)、改革宗(Reformed Church)、结盟宗(Huguenots)和清教徒(Puritan)的神学基础,今天大多数福音派教会的信仰和神学都源出于此。 《基督教要义》凝聚了加尔文思想的精华,倾注了他一生的心血,23年增订了五次,1..

Resources On The Book Of Jude by Rev. Dr. Harrison Perkins

"Jude is a small book with a big message and one that is especially relevant for the church in the 21st century. Below is the commentary of the Rev Dr Harrison Perkins along with some other resources (e.g., bibliography) to help your study of this important book." Dr Perkins’ Fresh Translation of Jude 1 Jude, Jesus Christ’s servant but James’ brother, to the called ones, who have been loved by G..

하이델베르크 교리문답(Heidelberg Catechism, 1563) - 이제롬(Jerome Lee) 목사 번역

하이델베르크 교리문답(Heidelberg Catechism, 1563) 한글 새번역 마라나타 캐나다개혁교회 한인선교위원회 (Korean Outreach Committee of Maranatha Canadian Reformed Church) 이제롬(Jerome Lee) 목사 번역 [본 글은 역자이신 이제롬 목사의 허락하게 게재하는 것임을 밝힙니다.] 제1주일 1문 : 삶과 죽음에 있어 당신의 유일한 위로는 무엇입니까? 답 : 나는 나의 것이 아니요, 몸도 영혼도 살아서나 죽을 때나, 오직 신실하신 나의 구주 예수 그리스도의 것이라는 사실입니다. 그리스도께서는 자신의 보혈로 나의 모든 죗값을 완전히 치르셨고 사탄의 모든 권세에서 나를 해방하셨습니다. 또한 하늘에 계신 나의 아버지의 뜻이 아니면 머리카락 하나..

벨직신앙고백서(Belgic Confession, 1561) - 이제롬(Jerome Lee) 목사 번역

벨직신앙고백서(Belic Confession, 1561) 한글 새번역 이제롬(Jerome Lee) 목사 번역 [본 글은 역자이신 이제롬 목사의 허락하게 게재하는 것임을 밝힙니다.] 캐나다 개혁교회의 교리표준 중에 첫 번째 것은 참된 기독교 신앙에 대한 고백서입니다. 이것은 흔히 벨직신앙고백서라고 불리는데 그 이유는 오늘날 벨기에로 알려진 네덜란드의 남부에서 처음 만들어졌기 때문입니다. 이 고백서의 저자는 네덜란드 개혁교회의 설교자였던 기도 드브레인데, 그는 1567년에 이 기독교 신앙으로 말미암아 순교했습니다. 16세기 네덜란드의 교회는 로마 가톨릭 체제로부터 극심한 박해 가운데 있었습니다. 기도 드 브레는 당시의 잔혹한 탄압에 항거하고, 또한 개혁신앙을 따르는 사람들은 그들에게 씌워진 혐의처럼 반역자가..

Resources On Christian Nationalism by Dr. R. Scott Clark

The West is declining rapidly and in response some American Christians have begun arguing for a return to theocracy and even for a theocratic Caesar figure to replace the secular republican form of government established in the Constitution. Here is an introduction to some of these issues and a response to the recently published statement on Christian nationalism. Series on The Statement on Chri..

On Culture War, Doug Wilson, and the Moscow Mood by Dr. Kevin DeYoung

"Each of the great world civilizations,” Christopher Dawson wrote in his classic work from the 1940s on Religion and the Rise of Western Culture, “has been faced with the problem of reconciling the aggressive ethos of the warrior with the moral ideals of a universal religion. But in none of them has the tension been so vital and intense as in medieval Christendom and nowhere have the results bee..

Postmodern Theology 2023.12.16

Resources on Reid’s Common Sense Philosophy by Dr. Kim Riddlebarger

Resources on Reid’s Common Sense Philosophy by Dr. Kim Riddlebarger Who Was Thomas Reid and Why Does His “Common Sense” Philosophy Still Matter? Part 1 Thomas Reid’s Common Sense Philosophy Part 2: On First Principles Thomas Reid’s Common Sense Philosophy Part 3: On Perception Thomas Reid’s Common Sense Philosophy Part 4: The Decline of SCSR Thomas Reid’s Common Sense Philosophy Part 5: The Impl..

Textual Criticism: What It Is And Why You Need It by Rev. Dr. Brandon Crowe

Textual Criticism: What It Is And Why You Need It by Rev. Dr. Brandon Crowe [This article was originally published on February 11, 2019] 1. Why Do We Need Textual Criticism? One of the classes I teach each year covers textual criticism of the New Testament. Even as I write that I know how boring it sounds. When I mention this class to someone as we make small talk, I can almost feel the waft of ..

도르트 총회(The Synod of Dort: 1618-19) - 스데반 황 목사 번역 및 편집 (PDF)

도르트 총회(The Synod of Dort: 1618-19) 번역 및 편집: 스데반 황 목사 [본 번역본은 역자이자 편집자이신 스데반황 목사님의 허락하에 게재하는 것임을 밝힙니다.] 1. 도르트 신경의 역사적 배경 도르트 신경은 17세기 초 화란의 개혁교회 안에 일어났던 알미니안 교리 논쟁이 발단이 되어 작성된 신경이다. 알미니안 교리의 중심인물인 알미니우스는 제네바에서 칼빈의 제자인 베자에게서 신학을 배웠다. 그는 15년 동안 목회를 하면서 베자를 통해 배운 칼빈의 가르침이 실제 삶 속에서 한계가 있다고 생각했다. 이에 알미니우스는 인간의 자유의지와 책임 부분에서 칼빈의 가르침에 반론을 제시했다. 그는 칼빈의 하나님의 절대 주권사상과 예정론에 대해 반박했다. 이로 인하여 논쟁이 발생하였고 1618년에..

A Review of Gentry and Wellum Kingdom Through Covenant by Jonathan M. Brack & Jared S. Oliphint (PDF)

Questioning the Progress in Progressive Covenantalism: A Review of Gentry and Wellum Kingdom Through Covenant by Jonathan M. Brack & Jared S. Oliphint Two years ago in 2012, Peter Gentry and Stephen Wellum dropped Kingdom Through Covenant (KTC) onto the theological sceneㅡ800+ pages arguing for a “progressive covenantalism” as the middle way between dispensationalism and Presbyterian covenant the..

Exploring 1 Peter: Ethics at the End of All Things by Dr. Kevin Chiarot

Dr. Kevin Chiarot’s Reformed Academy course is an exposition of the apostle Peter’s first letter to the suffering Christians scattered throughout Asia Minor. Rich in theology and practical in concrete wisdom, this epistle has been called “a condensed resume of the faith.” As such, it provides a fundamental orientation for Christian existence and Christian ethics. Peter sees the church as earthly..

Biblical Theology 2023.10.28

2023 Center for Missions and Evangelism Conference

Throughout the ages, the church has experienced adversity in various forms. Opposition to the gospel is nothing new. But the grace of God never buckles under pressure and because of God's grace, the church can be faithful to its mission - the Great Commission. 1. Chad Vegas | Discipleship From Within: Raising Up the Next Generation of Missionaries 2. Marcus Mininger | Careful, Deep Theology Teth..

Theological Distinctions Series: We Distinguish by Pastor Wes Bredenhof

"The law/gospel distinction is crucially important because it appears at the roots of our salvation. If the roots aren’t healthy, then the tree isn’t going to be healthy either, and any possibility of real fruit may also come into question. We have to strive for precision, especially in foundational doctrines like justification." Why are theological distinctions so important? And if we fail to m..

Hebrew-Greek Bible and Biblical Language Resources

German Bible Society - BHS/NA28/LXX/VUL https://diebibel.ibep-prod.com/en/bible/BHS,LXX/GEN.1United Bible Societies - WLC/USB4/SDBH/SDGNThttps://semanticdictionary.orgHaKtuvim - Bible Society in Israel https://haktuvim.co.il/en/study/Gen.1.1Tanakh - Sefaria https://www.sefaria.org/texts/TanakhGNT Reader with Word Parsing, Morphology, and Dictionary, Lexicon http://gntreader.com/?b=EPH&c=1BibleWe..

The Religious Life of Theological Students by B. B. Warfield (Free Audiobook)

B. B. Warfield – Kirk E. Miller (kirkmillerblog.com) B.B. Warfield – Kirk E. Miller In this short book, originally delivered as an oral address in 1911, Princeton theologian and professor Benjamin B. Warfield addresses his seminarians in anticipation of their upcoming theological studies He stresses to them the importance of not divorcing kirkmillerblog.com The Religious Life of Theological Stud..