Introduction to the Christian Faith
Who is God? What does it mean to be estranged from God? Why did the Messiah experience humiliation and death? How are sins forgiven? What is faith? Will there be a judgment day at the end of history?
God the Creator, by J. Gresham Machen
The Triune God, by J. Gresham Machen
The Bible
The Authority and Inspiration of the Bible, by Benjamin B. Warfield
Estrangement from God
The Fear of God, by J. Gresham Machen
Sin's Wages and God's Gift, by J. Gresham Machen
The Fall of Man, by J. Gresham Machen
What Is Sin?, by J. Gresham Machen
Is Mankind Lost in Sin?, by J. Gresham Machen
The Consequences of the Fall of Man, by J. Gresham Machen
The Atonement, by J. Gresham Machen
Forgiveness, by J.C. Ryle
How Shall Man Be Right with God?, by Horatius Bonar
Faith in God, by J. Gresham Machen
Faith Born of Need, by J. Gresham Machen
Sinners Welcome to Come to Jesus Christ, by Archibald Alexander
The Day of Judgment
The Day of Judgment, by Archibald Alexander
The Doctrines of Grace
Articles on the gospel offer, sorrow for sin, conversion and directions for new converts, a catechism for young people coming to the Lord's table, the covenant of grace, a revival in Virginia, and more.
God's warrant for a sinner to come to Christ:
Warrants to Believe
From his Christ Dying and Drawing Sinners to Himself (1647):
Soul Trouble
Sorrow for Sin
Preparations before Conversion
The Will of God and the Gospel Offer
These passages from classical Reformed theologians and preachers speak of God's desire for or delight in the salvation of those who hear the gospel offer, inasmuch as his revealed will is an expression of his goodness and kindness toward the hearers of the gospel.
The Will of God and the Gospel Offer: Samuel Rutherford and Francis Turretin
The Will of God and the Gospel Offer: John Howe, John Flavel and Stephen Charnock
The Will of God and the Gospel Offer: Jonathan Edwards, Charles Hodge and Asahel Nettleton
The Will of God and the Gospel Offer: Thomas Halyburton, Thomas Boston, Ebenezer Erskine, Archibald Bonar and Thomas Chalmers
The Will of God and the Gospel Offer: Robert Murray M'Cheyne, John Duncan, William Cunningham, Charles Calder Mackintosh, James MacGregor, John Kennedy and Hugh Martin
The Will of God and the Gospel Offer: John Murray and James I. Packer
John Howe (1630-1705)
The Goodness of God
Prayer and the Decrees of God
James Webster (1659-1720)
The offer of the gospel:
If Any Man Thirst
John Willison (1680-1720)
A catechism for young people preparing for admission to the Lord's table:
The Young Communicant's Catechism
Robert Riccaltoun (1691-1769)
A survey of the issues in the Marrow Controversy, discussing the role of the mediator in the covenant of grace, and the instrumentality of faith:
Christ's Suretyship
The Covenant of Grace
Samuel Davies (1723-1761)
The Success of the Ministry, Owing to a Divine Influence
Thomas Beveridge (1749-1798)
Encouragements for ministers of the gospel:
As We Have Received Mercy, We Faint Not
John Love (1757-1825)
What is the divine glory, and what does it mean for us to discern the glory of God?
I Am That I Am
David Black (1762-1806)
The Deceitfulness of the Heart
Archibald Alexander (1772-1851)
Vital Piety
Answer to Prayer Long Deferred
Christ Standing and Knocking at the Door
A wise and discriminating analysis of regeneration and its fruits in Christian experience:
A Practical View of Regeneration
Two prefaces:
Preface to The Memoirs of Thomas Halyburton
Preface to Matthew Henry's Commentary
A guide to sites at Lexington, Virginia associated with Archibald Alexander:
Archibald Alexander Travelogue
Thomas Chalmers (1780-1847)
William B. Sprague (1795-1876)
Treatment Due to Young Converts
John Duncan (1796-1870)
Mount Sinai and Mount Zion
Drawing Near to God
Three treatments of the free offer of the gospel:
Behold the Lamb of God
Effectual Calling
Forsaking Our Own Mercy
John Macdonald (1807-1847)
Memoir of Isobel Hood
"Isobel Hood's Manuscript": A Letter to Her Pastor
Alexander Moody Stuart (1809-1898)
Christ Sleeping on the Sea
John H. Bocock (1813-1872)
The account of a mighty work of God's Spirit about 1850, in a Presbyterian congregation in Louisa County, Virginia:
Lights and Shadows Lang Syne
Robert Murray M'Cheyne (1813-1843)
The Inward Experience of Believers
The Cry for Revival
God in Christ Reconciling the World
John Kennedy of Dingwall (1819-1884)
A critique of the Arminian message and method of evangelism:
Hyper-Evangelism: Another Gospel, Though a Mighty Power
Hugh Martin (1822-1885)
Christ's Presence in the Gospel History
Co-ordination of Grace and Duty
John Macleod (1872-1948)
The Inspiration of the Scriptures
The Doctrine of the Sovereignty of God
Kenneth MacRae (1883-1964)
A Word to the Anxious
John Murray (1898-1975)
Peter's Rebuke of Christ
On the Calvinistic doctrine of the gospel:
Arminianism in the Pilgrimage of the Soul
The Reformed Faith and Arminianism
William Young
Historic Calvinism and Neo-Calvinism
Theory and Theology
What Is Truth?
Sherman Isbell
John Knox
"Rutherford and the Preached Covenant" is currently being printed by the Scottish Reformation Society
Book reviews:
The Saviour
Predicting Jesus' Return
Articles on biblical principles of worship, the singing of Psalms in worship, Sabbath observance and the sacraments, and an introduction to the split-leaf psalter.
Thomas Boston (1676-1732)
The Sanctification of the Sabbath
Jonathan Edwards (1703-1758)
Perpetuity and Change of the Sabbath
John Witherspoon (1723-1794)
The Object of the Christian's Desire in Worship
Archibald Alexander (1772-1851)
The Lord's Day
Charles Hodge (1797-1878)
The Subjects of Baptism
Robert Murray M'Cheyne (1813-1843)
This Do In Remembrance of Me
James MacGregor (1830-1894)
The Sabbath Question
Jesse Johnson
The Psalms in Present-Day Apologetics
E. S. McKitrick
Christ in the Psalms
John Murray (1898-1975)
The 1947 minority report of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church's Committee on Song in the Public Worship of God, together with the portion of the 1946 report which was written by Professor Murray:
Song in the Public Worship of God
The Sabbath:
The Fourth Commandment According to the Westminster Standards
Further aspects of worship:
The Worship of God in the Four Gospels
Pictures of Christ
Why We Baptize Infants
Is Infant Baptism Scriptural?
Head Coverings and Decorum in Worship: A Letter
William Young
The Second Commandment
The Puritan Principle of Worship
G. I. Williamson
An examination of Scripture teaching about how God should be worshipped:
The Scriptural Regulative Principle of Worship
A widely-read booklet on Psalm singing:
The Singing of Psalms in the Worship of God
Other articles on music in worship:
Trinity Hymnal, or the Content of the Book of Praise in the Orthodox Presbyterian Church
Instrumental Music: Commanded or Not Commanded?
Renewal of Scriptural Worship
John W. Keddie
The argument for singing the biblical Psalms in worship:
Sing the Lord's Song! Biblical Psalms in Worship
Sherman Isbell
The nature of worship in the New Testament:
Hear Ye Him
A study on the regulative principle and worship song, including an examination of Calvin's view respecting the singing of Psalms:
The Singing of Psalms
Book review of The Scottish Psalmody:
How To Use a Split-Leaf Psalter
On headcoverings in worship:
Headship and Worship: Notes on 1 Corinthians 11:2-16
David Murray
Godly Living
Articles on the forgiveness of injuries, love for the brethren, distinguishing between faith and feelings, the religious nurture and catechizing of children, Job's trials, facing death, the spirituality of Christian pilgrimage, a Puritan exposition of the duties of husbands and wives, and more.
John Dod (1549-1645) and Robert Cleaver (born 1562)
From their exposition of the ten commandments:
Duties of Husband and Wife
John Owen (1616-1683)
On spiritual mindedness:
The Things of This World
Thomas Boston (1676-1732)
John M'Laurin (1693-1754)
A masterful argument about our responsibility for sin:
The Sins of Men Not Chargeable on God
Samuel Pike (1717-1773) and Samuel Hayward (1718-1757)
From Cases of Conscience and The Spiritual Companion:
Renewal after a time of spiritual dullness
Living with the promises and threats of God's word
Distinguishing faith and feelings
Discerning providential guidance
Assurance of growth in grace
Discovering why the Spirit is grieved
How to perform serious meditation
Spiritual injury from undue pursuit of the affairs of this life
The character of an honest man
Samuel Stanhope Smith (1750-1819)
The Forgiveness of Injuries
On Secret Faults
John Love (1757-1825)
My Presence Shall Go with Thee
Holy Zeal and Missionary Endeavor
That Ye Love one Another
He That Dwelleth in Love
Victory over Death
David Black (1762-1806)
The Duty of Seeking the Things Which Are Jesus Christ's
William Henry Foote (1792-1869)
Mary Moore's Captivity
William S. Plumer (1802-1880)
Job's Trials and Mercies
How God's People May Make Great Attainments
Letters to Church Members (1855)
Letter to one who travels on the Sabbath
Letter to one of a censorious spirit
Letter to one of a self-confident and unyielding spirit
Letter to one of a managing and disingenuous spirit
Letter to one of an impatient and complaining spirit
Letter to one who is lacking in reverence for the truth as a moral virtue
Hugh Martin (1822-1885)
Joyous Spirituality of Christian Pilgrimage
John Macleod (1872-1948)
The religious nurture of children:
The Reformed Faith in Its Ethical Consequences in the Family
John Murray (1898-1975)
A constitution for a Christian School:
Society for Parent-Controlled Christian Schools in Scotland
Johannes G. Vos (1903-1983)
An essay against binding the conscience with regard to practices which cannot be proved from Scripture to be sinful:
The Bible Doctrine of the Separated Life
Sherman Isbell
The Temperate Life
The Church
Articles on broad churchism, on a church's obligation to maintain its confessional commitments, on the duties and qualifications of ruling elders, and on private judgment and liberty of conscience.
Archibald Bruce (1746-1816)
The Right of Private Judgment and Due Freedom of Inquiry
A satire on religious ambivalence:
The Kirkiad: or, Golden Age of the Church of Scotland
Archibald Alexander (1772-1851)
The Faithful Elder
Charles Hodge (1797-1878)
The Nature and Necessity of a Public Profession of Religion
James Henley Thornwell (1812-1862)
The Regulative Principle Applied to Church Government
Robert L. Dabney (1820-1898)
Broad Churchism
John S. Watkins (born 1844)
The Duties and Qualifications of Ruling Elders
James MacGregor (1830-1894)
The Church Membership of Infants
John Macleod (1872-1948)
Articles on a church's obligation to maintain its confessional commitments:
A Fixed or a Fluid Church
The Reformed Faith in Modern Scotland
Sherman Isbell
Introduction to Samuel Rutherford's The Due Right of Presbyteries is currently being printed by the Scottish Reformation Society
A Godly Society
Expositions of the classical Reformed view of the proper association between church and state, and of the Westminster Confession's doctrine of general equity.
Archibald Bruce (1746-1816)
Toleration and the Establishment of Religion
Israel's Theocracy
Thomas M'Crie (1772-1835)
Brief View of the Evidence for the Exercise of Civil Authority About Religion
John Brown (1784-1858)
The temporary character of Mosaic institutions, demonstrated from Galatians 3:19-4:7:
The Giving of the Law
William Cunningham (1805-1861)
Cunningham expounds the classical Reformed doctrine respecting the proper association of church and state:
Relation Between Church and State
The Westminster Confession on the Relation Between Church and State
The Nature and Lawfulness of Union Between Church and State
Sherman Isbell
The doctrine of the Westminster standards respecting the Mosaic judicial law:
The Divine Law of Political Israel Expired: General Equity
Confessional Standards
The text of the Westminster Standards, together with articles on the Assembly which produced them.
The Confession of Faith of the Westminster Assembly of Divines
The original text of 1646, from the manuscript of Cornelius Burges, Assessor to the Westminster Assembly, with the Assembly's proof texts, as published in the modern critical edition of 1937 by S.W. Carruthers.
The Westminster Confession of Faith
Westminster Shorter Catechism
The Shorter Catechism, with the Assembly's proof texts:
The Westminster Shorter Catechism
William Symington (1795-1862)
The Westminster Assembly of Divines
Benjamin B. Warfield (1851-1921)
Is the Shorter Catechism Worthwhile?
John Murray
The Westminster Standards
The Calling of the Westminster Assembly
The Work of the Westminster Assembly
The Catechisms of the Westminster Assembly (FCSC)
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