Practical Theology/State & Culture

Resources On Christian Nationalism by Dr. R. Scott Clark

Bavinck Byeon 2023. 12. 16. 13:20


The West is declining rapidly and in response some American Christians have begun arguing for a return to theocracy and even for a theocratic Caesar figure to replace the secular republican form of government established in the Constitution.

Here is an introduction to some of these issues and a response to the recently published statement on Christian nationalism.

Series on The Statement on Christian Nationalism and the Gospel

1. Sub-Christian Nationalism? (Part 1)
2. Sub-Christian Nationalism? (Part 2)
3. Sub-Christian Nationalism? (Part 3)
4. Sub-Christian Nationalism? (Part 4)
5. Sub-Christian Nationalism? (Part 5)
6. Sub-Christian Nationalism? (Part 6)
7. Sub-Christian Nationalism? (Part 7)
8. Sub-Christian Nationalism? (Part 8)
9. Sub-Christian Nationalism? (Part 9)
10. Sub-Christian Nationalism? (Part 10)
11. Sub-Christian Nationalism? (Part 11)
12. Sub-Christian Nationalism? (Part 12)
13. Sub-Christian Nationalism? (Part 13)
14. Sub-Christian Nationalism? (Part 14)



Resources On Christian Nationalism - The Heidelblog


Resources On Christian Nationalism - The Heidelblog

The West is declining rapidly and in response some American Christians have begun arguing for a return to theocracy and even for a theocratic Caesar figure to replace the secular republican form of government established in the Constitution. Here is an int


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